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is sales forecasting and demand prediction tool generating performance projections based on historical string of sales data. It is based on powerful data analytics algorithm that hardly can be achieved by statistic approach.

Future Sales Forecast

Sales forecasting is giving access to clever resource management as well as insights on sudden changes in clients demand. The forecast helps to plan and allocate stock, inventory, workforce, marketing & promotions.

High Accuracy Forecast

A4E sales forecast applications easily achieve accuracy way above 95%. Complex mathematical models realized via cloud computation is key for such accuracy. The app utilizes historical data to identify how sales of a product are impacted by sales of other products, weather, trends, bank holidays, etc.

Weather Sensitive Algorithm

Weather may strongly affect business performance. A4E sales forecasting app discover the influence of temperatures, humidity, windiness, cloudiness on your business. The app also calculates the speed of weather parameters change. If the season appeared to be more humid than usual this will lead to growth in the demand of dehumidifiers and bug zappers.

Holidays Evaluation

The algorithm behind the app is projecting the holiday’s impact on future sales including bank holidays, vacations season, and major religious holidays. This means A4Wholesaler is capable to predict rapid growth in the demand for Christmas related goods at the right time.

Marketing Campaigns Impact

If currently a marketing campaign is running, A4Wholesaler app will reflect that in the sales forecast. For instance, a campaign focused on grills will affect not just grills` sales but also all of the products related to them. The app is able to project such impact.

API Access

At A4E we believe that software should work for you, not the opposite. Therefore our API allows seamless integration with your ERP/POS/CRM systems and BI solutions. This allows us to deliver our forecasts to where they are needed - in your warehouse and supply systems - avoiding menial and error-prone human interaction.

The Benefits for Your Wholesale Business

  • Save Time

    Planning huge amount of stock is a tricky game between actual demand and existing inventory. Delegate that tedious piece of work to where it belongs – computers.

  • Inventory Optimization

    Knowing how much you are likely to sell allows you to better manage your inventory and prevent cash flow limitation because of overstock.

  • Trends Detection

    Trends rarely happens overnight. But any entrepreneur should be prepared for future changes in consumer behavior. With a4Wholesaler you`ll be aware not just for the overall trends for your business but also changes in customer preferences.

  • Increased ROI

    Purchasing the right items in the right quantity and at the right time is a result of time consuming calculations which a4Wholesale is doing instead of your workforce with few simple clicks.

  • Great pricing

    Data analytics is pretty expensive solution. At A4E we did our best to make it affordable to anyone. Our pricing is based on the specific needs and size of your business.

How to Use It in 3 Easy Steps


Export your historical data in .csv file with following 3 columns: Product ID or Product Name, Date of sale, Volume of sale


Upload your CSV file at the app right here »

Download sample CSV file »


You'll receive an email with your sales forecast

See sample forecast »

Why Rely on Data Analytics for Your Wholesale Business?

Data analytics might contribute to wholesale business

Minimize your storage space and expenses by getting your sales forecasts right. Enrich your own data with global economic factors to achieve even better forecasts.

Sales prediction is key to inventory optimization

Operating very efficiently and turning your inventory over quickly are the keys to making money in the wholesaler business. Hundreds of new wholesale distribution businesses are started every year, but few are able to grow and really become a long-term entity. What makes the difference? Success in wholesale distribution involves moving from a customer service/sales orientation to the operational process of managing a very complex business. What makes it complex? It's the tackling of thousands of goods, their storage, purchase, logistics and of course sales. Sales is the driving force, the one that gets the money in and governs all the rest. Efficiency in your business means to maximize the sales while retaining the cost for your other activities low. If only you could forecast your sales, your operation would have been much more efficient and return more on your investments.

Sales forecasting with a4Wholesaler by A4E

Well, turns out you can. Our solution for wholesalers and distributors makes your daily struggle a lot easier and less risky. Applying the right math to your historical data will allow you to peek into the future and forecast the quantities you are likely to sell in your forthcoming period. Knowing how much you are likely to sell allows you to better manage your inventory, minimize your waste and increase your ROI by purchasing the right items in the right quantity and at the right time. As a bonus, you will keep your clients happier by never running out of those goods they want to buy most. At A4E we think like you: keeping your clients happy keeps the business running.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Why A4Everyone

At A4Everyone we believe that adding value to your data may be the breaking change that will boost your business. We are intricately familiar to the science of analytics and over years of experience we've realized that providing affordable, easy to understand and use analytical solutions, is one of the keys to improving any business efficiency. We made it so simple that harnessing computing resources is just few clicks away.